SFI Health

Clinically researched herbs for every day emotional health challenges

Many practitioners see clients, especially during challenging times, with symptoms associated with stress, fatigue and poor concentration. Using specific and clinically researched herbal medicines provides assurances of reliable and reproducible clinical results.

Clinical insight

Optimal mental health status is the result of many interacting environmental, lifestyle, dietary and genetic factors. Many practitioners see clients, especially during challenging times, with symptoms associated with mild anxiety, stress, memory, sleeplessness, fatigue and poor concentration. 

Using specific and clinically researched herbal medicines provides assurances of reliable and reproducible clinical results. This is critical in mood related disorders, including premenstrual syndrome (PMS), sleeplessness, stress, and mild anxiety. 

Symptoms of stress and mild anxiety

Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s wort) is a natural based option for supporting healthy mood and managing symptoms of stress and mild anxiety. St. John’s wort (SJW) has been shown to inhibit the re-uptake of the monoamines serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine, and also appears to influence the circulating gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels.1,2 

A specific extract of SJW, is clinically researched for healthy mood balance. One long term study demonstrated continued tolerability and increasing improvement in efficacy of a specific SJW extract in treating mild to moderate symptoms in adults over long periods of time (1 year).3 These results support three previous clinical trials showing efficacy and tolerability of the specific extract over a shorter period of six weeks.4,5,6

Hormonal Changes - PMS

Hormonal fluctuations, especially in women, may trigger many psychological symptoms. PMS has been linked to various hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, with some symptoms thought to be related to high prolactin levels or disturbances in opiate systems.8,9 

Ze 440 is a specific extract of Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste tree) that has demonstrated a dopaminergic activity, by binding to dopamine D2 receptors. This binding result in down-regulation of prolactin levels.10 Research also shows vitex may have a beneficial effect on opioid receptors and endogenous opiate peptides, such as β-endorphin. Influencing the opiate system can regulate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and in turn the reproductive hormone levels. Imbalances in this system can correlate with increases in PMS symptoms.9

In clinical trials on PMS, Ze 440  was significantly better than placebo for symptoms such as irritability, anger, mood alterations, breast fullness and headaches after 3 months treatment.6-8 
From a clinician perspective, prescribing Ze 440 with Ze 117 may provide benefits for those with a broader range of psychological symptoms accompanying hormonal imbalances. 

Hormonal Changes - Menopause

In menopause, well-known symptoms, such as sweats and flushing, are often combined with anxiety and other mood disturbances. Ze 450 is a specific ethanolic extract of Cimicifuga racemosa (Black cohosh) that has been clinically shown to significantly reduce menopausal symptoms.13-16 

In a 2012 randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled study, Ze 450 showed significant dose dependent reductions in menopausal symptoms and improved quality of life over a three month treatment period.  A dose of 6.5mg supported mild to moderate symptoms, while a 13mg dose was more effective in reducing severe menopausal symptoms. It was well tolerated with no adverse reactions related to liver injuries reported.13

In a large observational study of 541 women, Ze 450 provided steady and significant improvements in menopausal symptoms over four months. Again, it was well tolerated with no relapse or aggravation of the underlying condition reported in patients with a history of liver problems.15


The quality of sleep can deeply influence mood and affective functioning.17 Ze 91019 is a clinically researched herbal fixed combination containing specific extracts of Valeriana officinalis (Valerian) and Humulus lupulus (Hops). Ze 91019 has been shown to be help improve sleep quality.

Ze 91019 has been researched in multiple trials and found to significantly reduce time to fall asleep and nightly waking, and improved sleep efficiency.18-20 One study showed it increased the percentage of patients who could sleep through the night by more than three times.21 
Additionally, it is a non-addictive extract that does not leave a “hang-over” effect or the feeling of sedation during the day, often seen in other valerian-based sleep formulas.19



  1. Zaher C, et al.  Clin Pharmacol Ther 2019;106(2):432-40
  2. Bilia AR, et al. Life Sci 70.26 (2002): 3077–3096
  3. Brattstrom A. Phytomedicine 2009;16:277-83
  4. Schrader E. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2000;15:61-8
  5. Woelk H. BMJ 2000;321:536-9
  6. Schrader E, et al. Hum Psychopharmacol 1998; 13(3):163–9
  7. Gafner S, et al. Clinically relevant herb/food interactions with conventional drugs and nutrients. Austin, Texas: American Botanical Council, 2020
  8. Trickey R. Women, Hormones & the Menstrual Cycle, 3rd Ed., Trickey Enterprises (Victoria) Pty Ltd, 2011.
  9. Schellenberg R, et al. BMJ. 2001;322:134–7
  10. Berger D, et al. Arch Gynecol. Obstet. 2000;264:150-153
  11. Schellenberg R, et al. Phytomedicine. 2012;19:1325– 1331
  12. Berger D, et al. Arch Gynecol. Obstet. 2000;264:150-153
  13. Schellenberg R, et al. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012;(1): article ID 2603101
  14. Drewe J, et al. Phytomedicine. 2013;15 (20):659– 666
  15. Lopatka L, et al. J für Menopause. 2007;2:3-7
  16. Schmidt M, et al. J Menopause. 2005;12(1): 27-32
  17. Watling J, et al. 2017;15(5):394-409
  18. Koetter U, et al. Phytother Res 2007;21(9):847-51
  19. Notter D, et al. Phytotherapy. 2003;3:9-13
  20. Füssel A, et al. Eur J Med Res. 2000;5:385–90
  21. Lataster MJ, et al. Notabene Medici. 1996;4:182-5


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